kirkistown primary school
When to apply
Parents or Carers of children due to start P1 or Reception in September 2022 need to apply in January 2022.
The application procedure opens on 10 January 2022 at 12 noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 28 January 2022 at 12 noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application.
An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 28 January 2022 will be treated as a late application.
During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered.
The application procedure opens on 10 January 2022 at 12 noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 28 January 2022 at 12 noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application.
An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 28 January 2022 will be treated as a late application.
During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered.
How to apply
Applications are made online via the Education Authority website. More information is available by clicking the link below.
why choose us?
There are so many wonderful reasons to choose Kirkistown Primary School. We are a child-centred school at the heart of a very caring community. The videos below will give you an idea of what to expect should you choose to apply for a place with us.
reception places at kirkistown
Children can join us from the age of 4. Find out below why this is a great move for your child.
a whole-school view of kirkistown
From Reception Class (aged 4) to Primary 7 (aged 11), find out why Kirkistown Primary School is a great place to be.
pupil views
what do foundation stage & key stage 1 children enjoy about attending kirkistown primary school?
Our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children, in their own words, discuss what they like about being pupils at Kirkistown Primary School.
pupil views
what's it like to be a Key stage 2 pupil at kirkistown primary school?
Our Key Stage 2 children, in their own words, about being pupils at Kirkistown Primary School.
A virtual tour
Take a virtual tour of our facilities in the company of our House Captains
admissions criteria for september 2022
Respective Functions of the Board of Governors
The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility for applying these criteria.
Open Events
Information regarding our Open Events can be found on our website:
Tours with the Principal can be booked in December and January by contacting the school by telephone on (028) 4277 1455 or by emailing [email protected]
Admissions Criteria
During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered. The application procedure opens on 10 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 28 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application. An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 28 January 2022 will be treated as a late application.
Year 1 Intake
Admissions criteria are applied only if the number of applications received exceeds the number of places available. If the school is over-subscribed, children of compulsory school age who are resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission will be prioritised according to the following criteria in the order set down from 1 to 4 by the Board of Governors of Kirkistown Primary School in selecting children for admission to Year 1 in September 2022.
Preference will be given to those children:
1. Children of compulsory school age who have a child of the family* currently enrolled in Kirkistown Primary School. Please list name(s) and current class(es).
2. Children of compulsory school age whose home address has been assigned the postcode BT22. A child’s home address refers to his/her normal place of residence as listed on the application form.
3. Applicants who are a Looked After Child.
4. Applicants for whom the school is the nearest suitable school.
* Child of the family is defined using the Department of Education’s Circular 2016/17, Open Enrolment in Primary Schools, Annex A.
NB. The Board of Governors can only take into account information pertaining to the child’s admission that is specifically stated on the application or provided to the first preference school.
Reception Intake
N.B. Compulsory school aged pupils must always take preference to Reception pupils.
1. Children who have reached their 4th birthday, in July or August, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference.
2. Children whose 4th birthday falls before 1st January, may be enrolled at the beginning of the new term, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference
3. Children whose 4th birthday falls between January – April, may be enrolled at the beginning of the summer term, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference.
NB. The Board of Governors can only take into account information pertaining to the child’s admission that is specifically stated on the application or provided to the first preference school.
Supplementary Criterion
In the event of over-subscription following the application of the above criteria in order, the following sub-criteria will be applied:
The proximity of the child’s home to the school as measured in a straight line from the front door of the school to the front door of their home.
Distances will be determined on the basis of measurements taken from Google maps. The measure distance tool will be used to determine straight line distances. Priority will be given to pupils living closest to the school.
Should two pupils live the same distance from the school, a decision will be made on the basis of the initial letter of the surname recorded on the child’s birth certificate using the randomly selected set of letters below and the application of the order of these letters.
X D U Y T H R B J K Q Mac G I O V A P M L S F W C N E Z
Where the initial letter of the surname is the same for multiple applications, a random selection will take place.
Duty to Verify
The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application.
If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.
Applications for admission to Y1 after the beginning of the school year
Criteria as above.
Y2-Y7 Intake
Criteria 1 – 4 as above.
The Board of Governors draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility for applying these criteria.
Open Events
Information regarding our Open Events can be found on our website:
Tours with the Principal can be booked in December and January by contacting the school by telephone on (028) 4277 1455 or by emailing [email protected]
Admissions Criteria
During the admissions procedure when applying the criteria punctual applications will be considered before late applications are considered. The application procedure opens on 10 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) and an application submitted by the closing date of 28 January 2022 at 12noon (GMT) will be treated as a punctual application. An application received after 12noon (GMT) on 28 January 2022 will be treated as a late application.
Year 1 Intake
Admissions criteria are applied only if the number of applications received exceeds the number of places available. If the school is over-subscribed, children of compulsory school age who are resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission will be prioritised according to the following criteria in the order set down from 1 to 4 by the Board of Governors of Kirkistown Primary School in selecting children for admission to Year 1 in September 2022.
Preference will be given to those children:
1. Children of compulsory school age who have a child of the family* currently enrolled in Kirkistown Primary School. Please list name(s) and current class(es).
2. Children of compulsory school age whose home address has been assigned the postcode BT22. A child’s home address refers to his/her normal place of residence as listed on the application form.
3. Applicants who are a Looked After Child.
4. Applicants for whom the school is the nearest suitable school.
* Child of the family is defined using the Department of Education’s Circular 2016/17, Open Enrolment in Primary Schools, Annex A.
NB. The Board of Governors can only take into account information pertaining to the child’s admission that is specifically stated on the application or provided to the first preference school.
Reception Intake
N.B. Compulsory school aged pupils must always take preference to Reception pupils.
1. Children who have reached their 4th birthday, in July or August, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference.
2. Children whose 4th birthday falls before 1st January, may be enrolled at the beginning of the new term, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference
3. Children whose 4th birthday falls between January – April, may be enrolled at the beginning of the summer term, provided the enrolment figure of the school allows this – eldest always given preference.
NB. The Board of Governors can only take into account information pertaining to the child’s admission that is specifically stated on the application or provided to the first preference school.
Supplementary Criterion
In the event of over-subscription following the application of the above criteria in order, the following sub-criteria will be applied:
The proximity of the child’s home to the school as measured in a straight line from the front door of the school to the front door of their home.
Distances will be determined on the basis of measurements taken from Google maps. The measure distance tool will be used to determine straight line distances. Priority will be given to pupils living closest to the school.
Should two pupils live the same distance from the school, a decision will be made on the basis of the initial letter of the surname recorded on the child’s birth certificate using the randomly selected set of letters below and the application of the order of these letters.
X D U Y T H R B J K Q Mac G I O V A P M L S F W C N E Z
Where the initial letter of the surname is the same for multiple applications, a random selection will take place.
Duty to Verify
The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application.
If the requested evidence is not provided to the Board of Governors by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.
Applications for admission to Y1 after the beginning of the school year
Criteria as above.
Y2-Y7 Intake
Criteria 1 – 4 as above.
Please find a copy of our prospectus to browse at your leisure. The prospectus can be downloaded or viewed as individual pages below.
A prospectus can never quite give prospective parents a feel for the ethos of a school or its community. If you are considering applying for a place for your child at Kirkistown Primary School, we would warmly welcome the opportunity to speak with you directly. Please call us to make an appointment to look at school by telephoning (028) 4277 1455. |
Prospectus Download

kirkistown_prospectus___open_day_2024-2025.pdf | |
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