summer term 2021-2022
sports day
world ocean day
Celebrating World Ocean day at our very own beach!
Primary 3 were exploring symmetry using our i-Pads. Can you guess who these symmetrical faces belong to?
spring term 2021-2022
easter excitement
Easter excitement in Primary 2 and 3.
bouncy castle fun
We had a fantastic time enjoying the weather and the bouncy castle at school.
forest school at the beach
Primary 2 & 3 pupils have continued their Forest School sessions at Cloughey Beach, taking great advantage of the weather and the fabulous resource.
special visitor
We had a special visitor in school, we hope she liked her daffodils.
pancakes, world book day & donations
P2 and P3 had a busy week making pancakes, hot seating our World Book Day characters and finally getting our donations ready to send to Ukraine.
learning in primary 2 & 3
children's mental health week
Growing Together-Celebrating Children’s Mental Week at the beach.
report writing and monopoly bid
special delivery
We had a very special delivery in the post as a response to our postcards.
back to school!
Happy New Year back to work in P2 & P3.
autumn term 2021-2022
christmas fun
Christmas fun in P2 & P3.
children in need
Crazy hair for Children in Need.
Fun at the farm
We had a fantastic morning at the Ark Open Farm. Children were given a guided tour of the farm, having the opportunity to handle and feed some of the animals. Our visit was funded through the Peace IV Programme, courtesy of the wonderful staff at Todds Leap and Wheelworks. The children had a fantastic time.
digital numeracy and music skills
P2 and P3 have been using ICT to help with their Numeracy and Music skills.
P.E lessons
We were doing Yoga for Mental Health Week.
musical fun
curriculum meetings
Information communicated to families at our recent Curriculum Meeting is now available below. If you have any queries, please contact the class teacher.

curriculum_meeting_-_sept_2021.pdf | |
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forest school
We are delighted to have restarted our Forest School sessions at the outset of the year with children making great use of the plentiful outdoor space in the idyllic surroundings of Cloughey Bay to assist and enhance their learning. Primary 2 & Primary 3 children have been using non-standard units of measure including straws, stones, shells, shoes and string. They have been thinking about how non-standard units of measure and useful but also their limitations and why, for example, a builder might not want to measure in this way.
starting p2 and p3
2020 - 2021
summer term 2020-2021
Learning continues apace in the P2 and P3 classroom and outdoors.
forest school
Forest School has faithfully continued upon our return to school!
working hard
Autumn term 2020-2021
christmas celebrations in p2 / p3
Primary 2 and 3 children had lots of fun getting ready for Christmas! Look at everything we did! Thanks to our very kind parents and governors for all their help!
Christmas slime
forest school at christmas
forest school diary
forest school sessions
P2 & P3 have been very busy engaging in the excellent 'Forest Schools' Programme. As you can see, they have been having a great time learning outdoors.
halloween fun
task time
tower building and outdoor learning
fun at the park
using carroll diagrams to sort
P2 & P3 were using Caroll Diagrams to sort coins, fruit and all sorts of animals. Some even collated their findings in a table. There were numerous examples of brilliant team work and great counting skills. Well done to all the boys and girls.
curriculum information
As we are unable to host our traditional curriculum meetings for parents, we have prepared an information pack instead. The pack can be downloaded below and should help parents feel informed about how / what their children will be learning this year. Should any questions remain, please telephone the school office (028 42771455) to make an appointment with the class teacher. Please note that appointments must be made and all visitors will be expected to wear a face covering / mask.

p2_and_p3_curriculum_information_2020-2021.pdf | |
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Primary 2 and Primary 3 children will return to school on Wednesday 26 August 2020 (9am - 11am).
forest schools
P3 and P4 have been involved in the wonderful 'Forest Schools' project. See more photos on our dedicated page.
class assembly
outdoor learning
Art from trash community project
Children in P3 and P4 are taking part in a great recycling project, using materials that might ordinarily be discarded to create a wonderful piece of art to display in school. Funded by the County Down Rural Community Network (CDRCN) and organized with the help of the ever helpful and supportive Cloughey and District Community Association, the project has been led by Heather and Sally from the Community Art Project Arts Centre. The project will finish with a final session on Wednesday 11 March 2020 where children will design and create their own t-shirts!!!