our ptfa
We are always looking for further support to help raise vital funds for our school. This is achieved through a range of fantastic experiences including DVD nights, Spooky trails, Halloween discos, Christmas & Summer fairs.
If you have time or a particular skill set and would like to know how you can help us, please contact the school office.
The PTFA also have a Facebook page which can be found by clicking the link:
If you have time or a particular skill set and would like to know how you can help us, please contact the school office.
The PTFA also have a Facebook page which can be found by clicking the link:
planters donation- portaferry men's shed
School were delighted to receive a lovely donation of planters complete with soil, bulbs and plants. Thank you to the very kind men from Portaferry Men's Shed who have worked on this project for school, to those who delivered the finished items to school (Connor & Jimmy) and to Brian from our PTFA who put us in touch with the team at Portaferry Men's Shed. Your kindness is very gratefully appreciated. The planters will both help to brighten school while also being tended to by children in Foundation Stage as part of their curriculum.
tesco community grant
We've been informed very recently that we've been awarded a Tesco Community Grant of £1328 for new library books. Thank you to all our parents and the wider community who helped us by voting for us in store. A special thanks is reserved for Campbell Keatings who has visited us twice within the past year to both meet and work with our children on a healthy eating project. His time has been greatly appreciated and helped to inspire the 'Fair Trade' topic that P6 and P7 pupils have been learning about.
buddy benches and mud kitchen!
A very big thank you to Brian, Philip and the team at Portaferry Men's Shed who have very kindly built us two fantastic buddy benches and a mud kitchen with built-in herb garden. We've also been supplied with plant pots and seeds to allow us to start planting immediately.
Thank you to everyone who worked on the project, to the delivery team and to Brian who made all of the arrangements for this; we are very grateful indeed.
Thank you to everyone who worked on the project, to the delivery team and to Brian who made all of the arrangements for this; we are very grateful indeed.
DEARA micro grant
The outgoing PTFA have secured the wonderful items below via a microgrant from DAERA (Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs). the items include STEM materials for Key Stage 2 pupils as well as some Forest School and outdoor play items for our younger pupils.
Aside from the ongoing Tesco and Asda token schemes, this marks the end of the involvement of the previous PTFS and thanks are once more extended to everyone involved and particularly to Mrs Perry.
Aside from the ongoing Tesco and Asda token schemes, this marks the end of the involvement of the previous PTFS and thanks are once more extended to everyone involved and particularly to Mrs Perry.
next meeting- monday 06 december 2021

ptfa_meeting-_dec_2021.pdf | |
File Size: | 571 kb |
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spooky trail
It's safe to say that our Spooky Trail was a great success tonight and it was so delightful to welcome you all safely into school in socially distanced groups at timed intervals. A lot of thank yous are owed to all the wonderful people that made this possible for the children of our school community...
Thank you to the incoming PTFA who imagined, resourced and hosted this event in an exceptionally short lead time.
Thank you to the many helpers and volunteers who gave willingly of their time to work in socially distanced teams to prepare school for the event.
Thank you to the sponsors, the bakers, the servers, the photographers, the guides and the extended school staff who were involved.
And a big thank you to our school families and our children for dressing up, turning out to show your support and complying with our covid plan that was in place.
We are a wonderful school family and it was so nice to feel the sense of community tonight.
#TeamKirkistown #Community #SpookyTrail
Thank you to the incoming PTFA who imagined, resourced and hosted this event in an exceptionally short lead time.
Thank you to the many helpers and volunteers who gave willingly of their time to work in socially distanced teams to prepare school for the event.
Thank you to the sponsors, the bakers, the servers, the photographers, the guides and the extended school staff who were involved.
And a big thank you to our school families and our children for dressing up, turning out to show your support and complying with our covid plan that was in place.
We are a wonderful school family and it was so nice to feel the sense of community tonight.
#TeamKirkistown #Community #SpookyTrail
asda foundation grant
The outgoing PTFA applied some time ago for an Asda Foundation grant for school resources. We were delighted to be presented with a cheque for £700 today. Our thanks are extended to Mrs Perry for her work in putting the grant together and also to Rachel from Asda.
ptfa meeting- october 2021
Our PTFA held a socially distanced meeting this evening and we're very much looking forward to organising some exciting events in the near future.
I am delighted to be able to announce that the following members were put forward to form the PTFA committee:
Co-Chairs: Brian Quinn & Andrew Munn
Co-Secretaries: Pamela Munn, Christine Quinn & Zelda Munn
Co-Treasurers: Lesley Ridgers & Jolene Agar
Facebook Page: Jolene Agar & Johneen McFerran
#TeamKirkistown #community
I am delighted to be able to announce that the following members were put forward to form the PTFA committee:
Co-Chairs: Brian Quinn & Andrew Munn
Co-Secretaries: Pamela Munn, Christine Quinn & Zelda Munn
Co-Treasurers: Lesley Ridgers & Jolene Agar
Facebook Page: Jolene Agar & Johneen McFerran
#TeamKirkistown #community
2020-2021 review
Celebrating Diversity @ Kirkistown Primary School
Despite the majority of traditional events not being able to be held due to restrictions around Covid-19, the PTFA were still very productive and successfully applied for a number of grants on behalf of school:
Successful Grant Applications and Competition Wins - Ards & North Down Borough Council’s Good Relations Grant Programme & The Executive Office- Toys that promote the understanding of diversity. |
- Asda Foundation- “Getting Schools Back on Track” (£870)
- County Down Rural Community Network – Green Screen and I-pads - Ards & North Down Borough Council Covid Recovery Grant- Captain Jack’s vouchers for Free School Families in addition to vouchers for vulnerable members of the local community - Grant for 30 Numberstacks packs and online subscription for staff (Approx £1000) - Irwin’s Bakery ‘Win Some Dough’ Competition- £500 to purchase new Science kits The PTFA ran an Easter colouring competition (March 2021) with the support of local businesses, a Smarties Challenge (November 2020) and continue to use Easyfundraising as an alternative method of fundraising. School is greatly indebited to the work undertaken voluntarily by the PTFA, and specifically Mrs Perry, that ensures the children of our school community are provided with new and exciting opportunities. |
Easter Colouring Competition Winners
Green Screen & Ipads
Numberstacks Packs Grant
ptfa funds- june 2021
Opening balance £1709.49
Credits to account
Debits to account
Closing balance £1317.84
Credits to account
- Irwin’s Bakery Comp £500.00
- ANDBC Food Poverty Grant £500.00
- Smarties challenge £280.00
- ASDA Schools Back on Track Grant £872.00
- Community Partnership Grant £2338.98
- Micro Grant iPads/Green screen £954.54
- ANDBC Diversity Grant (80% prepayment) £760.74
- Easy Fundraising £31.23
Debits to account
- Donation to school, classroom supplies and numeracy £525.00
- Partnership grant – Numberstacks £1050.00
- Partnership grant – Portavogie Rangers £612.00
- Partnership grant – Portavogie Primary PTA £726.98
- Captain Jacks Food Poverty grant vouchers £500.00
- iPads/green screen £1162.99
- TTS Science equipment £604.44
- PTA UK membership £69.00
- Centenary Day £149.91
- Ice Cream Van £120.00
- Diversity Grant £977.91
- P7 BBQ £37.00
- Sundries £49.17
- Bank charges £44.74
Closing balance £1317.84
smarties fundraiser
All children will have received a tube of smarties sweets this week. While we are currently unable to host our usual fundraising activities and events, we would appreciate your support in filling up the tubes of smarties with any 20p coins you may have before returning them to school. All monies received will be used to enhance the learning experiences of our children.
PTFA funds- June 2020
The following funds have been raised from PTFA events during the 2019/20 academic year:
IQ cards £66.15
Old santa suit £20.00
Christmas fair £1376.10
Easy fundraising £18.87
Asda green tokens £500.00
Total: £1981.12
The funds raised over the past twelve months have been used to pay for:
P5-7 trip June 2019
Residential donation 2019
Leisure centre trip 2019
The school disco (DJ Tommy)
Selection boxes & football
Open day banner
Coach travel for the whole school 'Panto' trip
A donation towards our subscription to 'School Money'
PTA UK membership
V.E day prize
Digital thermometer
As ever, on behalf of the Governing Board, staff and the entire school community, I am deeply grateful for the generosity of spirit from the industrious PTFA and the community support of their work.
IQ cards £66.15
Old santa suit £20.00
Christmas fair £1376.10
Easy fundraising £18.87
Asda green tokens £500.00
Total: £1981.12
The funds raised over the past twelve months have been used to pay for:
P5-7 trip June 2019
Residential donation 2019
Leisure centre trip 2019
The school disco (DJ Tommy)
Selection boxes & football
Open day banner
Coach travel for the whole school 'Panto' trip
A donation towards our subscription to 'School Money'
PTA UK membership
V.E day prize
Digital thermometer
As ever, on behalf of the Governing Board, staff and the entire school community, I am deeply grateful for the generosity of spirit from the industrious PTFA and the community support of their work.
ve day 75- Friday 08 may 2020
While we couldn't be together to celebrate VE day as a school community, we were delighted to be able to run a competition for children to design their very own VE Day 75 Bunting! We also asked families to contribute to a video we wanted to put together to show how we were celebrating and to lift our spirits.
Thank you to everyone who took part- your bunting designs were great and the videos really helped make everyone smile. Congratulations to our competition winner, George!
We are all missing one another but will meet again soon.
Stay safe.
Thank you to everyone who took part- your bunting designs were great and the videos really helped make everyone smile. Congratulations to our competition winner, George!
We are all missing one another but will meet again soon.
Stay safe.
Asda foundation visit
We were delighted to be joined by Rachel from Asda, Newtownards on Thursday 13 February 2020. Rachel dropped by to present us with a cheque for £500 from the Asda Foundation following the recent green token scheme. Thank you to the school community for your support, to Asda and all their shoppers and of course our wonderful PTFA.
Christmas fair
A total of £1376 was raised through our Christmas Fair tonight. An exceptionally generous donation was also received to our school fund account. A special thank you is extended to all the parents, grandparents, pupils, and friends who also attended this evening and supported the stalls so generously. A big thank you also to school staff and those who contributed items for sale and helped man the stalls, play the piano, provide tea, coffee and treats and support the school, as they always do. Our sincerest thanks for all your support.
Summer Fair / PTFA Funds- June 2019
Thank you to our wonderful PTFA for organising our recent summer fair. Just over £800 was raised and will be used provide a number of additional opportunities and experiences for our children. On behalf of school, thank you to the community for your generous support, to the stallholders, visitors and to Mrs Perry and Mr & Mrs Finegan for organising and hosting the event. Thank you also to the teachers who braved the sponges and super soakers all in the name of good fun.
The following funds have been raised from PTFA events during the 2018/19 academic year:
Halloween Disco £57.00
Christmas Fair £1058.60
Bag Pack £438.00
Movie day £150.00
Beach clean £451.00
Summer Fair £808.00
Sports day £26.00
Total: £2,268.60
The funds raised have been used to pay for:
The school disco
Coach hire for the visit to the pantomime
A selection box for each child
The mixing and mastering of the Christmas single
The artwork for the ‘Luna the Psychic Cat’ book
Our yearly subscription to Purple Mash
Our subscription to ‘School Money’
Coach hire for the end of year school trip
An individual class trip for all children
Once again, on behalf of the school community, I am deeply grateful for the generosity of spirit from the PTFA and the community support of their work.
The following funds have been raised from PTFA events during the 2018/19 academic year:
Halloween Disco £57.00
Christmas Fair £1058.60
Bag Pack £438.00
Movie day £150.00
Beach clean £451.00
Summer Fair £808.00
Sports day £26.00
Total: £2,268.60
The funds raised have been used to pay for:
The school disco
Coach hire for the visit to the pantomime
A selection box for each child
The mixing and mastering of the Christmas single
The artwork for the ‘Luna the Psychic Cat’ book
Our yearly subscription to Purple Mash
Our subscription to ‘School Money’
Coach hire for the end of year school trip
An individual class trip for all children
Once again, on behalf of the school community, I am deeply grateful for the generosity of spirit from the PTFA and the community support of their work.